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Vivian Wong

Meerkats Rejoice After Being Reunited With Human Friends

(Image Source: Expert Africa)

During the pandemic, zoo animals have been found feeling depressed and lonely without zoo visitors. This is because most animals are used to socialising, and usually depend on their herd for survival (Dickson, J. n.d.).

According to a study published in March, meerkats were observed to be behaving positively after seeing fellow zoo visitors. The positive behaviour of the meerkats include increased interactions with each other, as well as human-animal interactions. This behaviour suggested that having human visitors visit the meerkats could be a very fascinating and engaging experience for them (Pester, P. 2021).

Meerkats, also known as the suricata suricatta, are mammals that have slender tails and an average weight of 0.8kg. It is a type of mongoose that can be found in South Africa. These small mammals usually live in groups and create homes under the ground (National Geographic n.d.).


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